Laundry Dos and Don’ts: Expert Advice for Getting the Best Results

Laundry Dos and Donts

Laundry is an essential household chore that ensures our clothes are clean, fresh, and ready to wear. However, many of us may unknowingly make common mistakes that can compromise the quality of our garments or even lead to damage. To help you achieve the best laundry results and extend the lifespan of your clothes, we have compiled a list of expert dos and don’ts. By following these guidelines, you can elevate your laundry routine and ensure that your clothes remain in pristine condition for a long time.


Read Care Labels: Always read and follow the care labels on your garments. Care labels provide essential information on the appropriate washing method, water temperature, and drying instructions specific to each garment.

Sort by Color and Fabric: Separate your laundry into different piles based on color and fabric type. Washing darks, lights, and whites separately prevents color bleeding and preserves the vibrancy of your clothes. Additionally, sorting by fabric type helps avoid damage to delicate fabrics during the wash.

Use the Right Amount of Detergent: Overusing detergent can leave residue on your clothes, leading to skin irritation and affecting their appearance. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for the correct detergent amount based on your laundry load size.

Pre-Treat Stains: Treat stains as soon as they occur to prevent them from setting. Use a stain remover or gently blot the stain with water and a mild detergent before washing.

Check Pockets: Always check pockets before loading your clothes into the washer. Items like tissues, pens, or coins left in pockets can cause damage to both your clothes and the washing machine.

Use Cold Water: In most cases, washing with cold water is sufficient to remove dirt and stains. Cold water prevents color fading, helps retain fabric integrity, and is more energy-efficient compared to hot water washes.

Close Zippers and Fasten Buttons: Close zippers and fasten buttons on clothing to prevent snagging and damage to the garment itself or other items during the wash.

Use Mesh Bags for Delicates: Protect delicate fabrics and lingerie by placing them in mesh laundry bags before washing. These bags prevent tangling and minimize friction, ensuring your delicate items remain in excellent condition.

Air Dry Whenever Possible: Whenever suitable, air dry your clothes to extend their lifespan. Hanging or laying clothes flat to dry helps preserve their shape and reduces energy consumption.

Clean the Washing Machine: Regularly clean the washing machine drum and detergent dispenser to remove built-up residue, mold, and odors. This practice ensures better washing results and prevents any unwanted smells on your clothes.


Overload the Washing Machine: Avoid cramming too many clothes into the washing machine. Overloading can result in inadequate cleaning and may damage the machine.

Ignore Zippers and Hooks: Leaving zippers unzipped or hooks undone can snag and damage other clothes during the wash. Always check and secure fastenings before washing.

Use Bleach on Colored Fabrics: Avoid using bleach on colored fabrics, as it can cause discoloration and weaken the fabric’s fibers.

Dry Cleanable Items in the Washing Machine: Items labeled “dry clean only” should not be washed in a regular washing machine. The dry cleaning process uses different solvents that are more suitable for delicate fabrics.

Wash Clothing with Stains Without Pre-Treating: Washing clothes with stains without pre-treating them can set the stains, making them harder to remove in subsequent washes.

Use Fabric Softener on Athletic Wear: Fabric softeners can leave a residue on moisture-wicking and athletic wear, reducing their breathability and performance. Instead, opt for sport-specific laundry products or use vinegar as a natural fabric softener.

Tumble Dry Delicate Fabrics: Delicate fabrics like silk, lace, or cashmere should not be tumble dried, as the high heat can cause damage. Always air dry or lay these items flat to dry.

Ignore the Lint Filter: Regularly clean the lint filter in your dryer to improve its efficiency and prevent lint buildup on your clothes.

Dry Dark and Light Colors Together: Drying dark and light colors together can result in color bleeding, leading to irreversible stains on your clothes.

Ignore Special Garment Instructions: Pay attention to any special washing instructions on specific garments, such as sequined or beaded items. Follow these instructions to prevent damage and maintain their appearance.


Following these expert dos and don’ts will help you achieve the best laundry results while preserving the quality and longevity of your clothes. By paying attention to care labels, sorting clothes properly, and using the right amount of detergent, you can keep your garments looking their best. Pre-treating stains, checking pockets, and using mesh bags for delicates will prevent damage and ensure a thorough and gentle wash. Additionally, air drying, avoiding bleach on colored fabrics, and cleaning the washing machine and dryer regularly are vital practices for maintaining the condition of your clothes. By adopting these laundry guidelines, you can elevate your laundry routine and enjoy well-cared-for, fresh, and long-lasting clothes for years to come.

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